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summaryWe invest in people and organizations to support exceptional leaders, innovative companies, and boost overall business progress.

The phrase "invest" here implies a commitment to providing resources - either financial or otherwise, such as time and expertise - with the expectation that these will generate returns in the form of growth, profit or other forms of success for both parties involved. In this context, capital refers not just to money, but also to knowledge, talent, and strategic partnerships. The term "expertise" suggests a deep understanding or skill set in a specific field, which can be crucial when providing support to entrepreneurs or companies. This could include financial management skills, marketing strategies, leadership training, product development expertise, among others.

The words "remarkable," "entrepreneurs," and "transformational companies" suggest that the individuals and organizations we work with are high achievers in their fields, with potential for significant impact on society or industry. They stand out from the crowd due to their innovative ideas, disruptive business models, or exceptional leadership qualities. The term "accelerate growth" signifies our commitment to help these businesses achieve their full potential within a reasonable timeframe, thereby contributing to the overall health and vibrancy of the economy.

In summary, our role is not just about providing capital but also about investing in people and companies that can make a difference. We aim to support those who have the potential to transform industries and drive economic growth through their unique ideas and leadership abilities. This investment in people and organizations ultimately benefits everyone involved, as it fuels job creation, fosters innovation, and contributes to the overall prosperity of our society.
titleCapitalG is Alphabet’s independent growth fund.
descriptionWe invest our capital and expertise to help remarkable entrepreneurs, leading transformational companies, accelerate the growth of their businesses.
downstreams fastcompany.com, venturebeat.com, bloomberg.com, linkedin.com, abc.xyz
nslookupA, A, A, A

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