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summarySystem for verifying IBAN numbers of Croatian banks:
The system checks the structure and validity of the format, bank control procedures, and details of the deposit slip form. The definition of an IBAN number in Croatia is a unique code consisting of 32 digits, starting with "IBAN" followed by three groups of 9 digits each. If there are only two digits for the first group, they are padded with a 0. The last digit represents the check digit using a specific algorithm called the Luhn algorithm. In this case, the IBAN number is checked against the data entry made during the deposit process and compared to the actual bank account in the database. If there is any inconsistency between the entered IBAN number and the actual one in the database, the system will raise an error. The system also verifies the format of the deposited amount, checks for duplicate deposits, and compares the provided data with the actual bank's details to ensure the legitimacy of the deposit.
titleIBAN check: Validation of the International bank order number
descriptionIBAN verification is a program created to validate the International bank account number and identify the bank that owns this account, BIC code and address.
keywordsengine, program, swift, demo, provera, english
upstreams iban.com

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