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summaryThe content provided appears to be a list of various elements related to the Amazon.com website. To summarize it, here is the main information:

1. "Share" and "Create social post": Indicates that there are options for sharing content or creating your own social media post on the Amazon platform.
2. "Home": This suggests a home page on the site where users can navigate through different sections and features of the website.
3. "Sign Up": Encourages users to create an account on the Amazon platform, which may provide benefits such as personalized recommendations or access to special deals.
4. "Sign Up us" (refers to sign-up via email): A link that takes users directly to their email for signing up on the site.
5. "Amazon Original Movies": Highlights a specific category of content available on the Amazon platform, in this case, movies.
6. "amazonOriginals": This could be another name or abbreviation used for the above-mentioned "Amazon Original Movies" category.
7. "MOVIE PLATFORM": Indicates that there is an online movie platform where users can stream, purchase, and enjoy movies from various sources.
8. "2023 POWSTER 2010-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates Legals": This section contains the legal information about the website, mentioning copyright holders and their respective permissions.
9. "Credits": Suggests that there may be a credits section where users can learn more about the creation of the content on the platform.
10. "Privacy Policy": Provides details about how user data is protected and used by Amazon.com.
11. "Terms of Use": Lists the legal terms and conditions that apply to using the website, such as usage limitations and guidelines for customer support.

Note: The provided content seems to be a brief summary, so there might be additional elements or information not mentioned here.
titleAmazon Original Movies | Official Site | Amazon
descriptionWatch the trailer, find screenings & book tickets for Amazon Original Movies on the official site. In theaters October 01 2023 brought to you by Amazon Studios.
keywordshome, sign, movie, platform, affiliates, share, social, post, amazon, original, movies, credits, privacy, policy, terms
upstreams mgm.com
nslookupA, A, A, A

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