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summaryreverse string Z10012 : Inverts the order of the characters in a String see Z10548 for one with Unicode grapheme support is palindrome Z10096 : test if a string is the same when read forward and backward see Z10553 for one with Unicode grapheme support substring exists Z10070 : Check if a substring exists within another string To Uppercase Z10018 : Convert a string to uppercase letters To Lowercase Z10047 : Convert a string to lowercase letters join strings Z10000 : combine two strings, one after the other Trim String Z10079 : Remove starting and ending whitespaces is empty string Z10008 : true if the input string is strictly empty, even without any non-printing characters string equality Z866 : True if the first string and the second string are the same Boolean equality Z844 : returns true only if both inputs are equal more functionsThank you, Nick Function of the Week: is permutation 2024-02-01: The Igbo Imperative 2024-01-25: Getting debug information from code; Function of the Week: Wrap string 2024-01-17: Refreshing the Function page; Function of the Week: ROT13 2024-01-11: The Joy of Collaboration; Introducing the Function of the Week: reverse string
upstreams wikidata.org, wikimediafoundation.org, wikisource.org, mediawiki.org
downstreams wikidata.org, mediawiki.org, wikisource.org, wikibooks.org, wikinews.org, wikipedia.org, wikiquote.org, wikiversity.org, wikivoyage.org, wiktionary.org, google.com, apache.org, wikimediafoundation.org

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