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summaryThis content is instructing the user on how to enable JavaScript and cookies for continued access to a website or application. Here's a summarized version of what that entails:

1. Open your web browser.
2. Locate the "Settings" or "Preferences" menu. This may vary depending on the web browser you are using.
3. Within the settings menu, look for "Privacy & Security", "Cookies", or a similar option related to cookies and security settings.
4. Check the box next to "Enable Cookies" if it is not already checked. This allows websites to store information about your browsing session.
5. Adjust the cookie settings according to your preferences. You can choose to block or allow specific types of cookies, set a specific time period for cookies to expire, or decide where you want to store your cookies (e.g., local storage, server-side storage).
6. Locate the "JavaScript" section in the settings menu. Ensure that it is enabled. If not, enable it by checking the box next to "Enable JavaScript". This will allow your web browser to execute JavaScript code and perform various interactive functions on websites.
7. Save your changes and close the settings or preferences menu.
8. You should now be able to access the website with enhanced functionality and personalization due to the enabled cookies and JavaScript.
titleJust a moment...
descriptionJust a moment...
upstreams decrypt.co, bitfinex.com
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