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summaryThe provided list of products all belong to the "MySQL" software, with each one offering different functionalities:

1. Products MySQL HeatWave - This product is a high-performance database server that allows for rapid and scalable database management.
2. Products MySQL Enterprise Edition - This product is a comprehensive suite for managing databases, including features like clustering and replication.
3. Products MySQL Standard Edition - It's a reliable database server with strong support for many industries.
4. Products MySQL Classic Edition - A classic version of the MySQL database server, suitable for smaller-scale systems.
5. Products MySQL Cluster CGE - This product is specifically designed to be used in clustered environments, and includes features like clustering, replication, and fault tolerance.
6. Products MySQL Embedded OEMISV Downloads - These are downloads for various MySQL products that can be used as part of an embedded system or software development kit (SDK).
7. Products MySQL Community Server - This is a free server with many useful features, ideal for start-ups and small businesses.
8. Products MySQL NDB Cluster - It's a clustered version of the database server, designed to handle high loads, making it suitable for web servers.
9. Products MySQL Shell - A shell interface for interacting with the MySQL database, typically used by system administrators or developers.
10. Products MySQL Router - This product is used to manage and configure MySQL instances in a network environment.
11. Products MySQL Workbench - A versatile application that provides several functionalities for managing and administering MySQL databases.
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