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summaryThe phrase "Web Room StudioPatryk Rumiski kontaktwebroomstudio.pl" appears to be a combination of words that may not make much sense on their own. However, it can be interpreted as:

1. Web Room - an online platform that offers web-based meeting solutions.
2. Studio - likely referring to a studio or production facility where the mentioned person or group is involved in creating or hosting content.
3. Patryk Rumiski - a name of a person or organization associated with this studio.
4. kontaktwebroomstudio.pl - a website (possibly a contact form) for the "Web Room Studio" located at webroomstudio.pl.

In summary, the phrase can be interpreted as relating to an online platform called Web Room Studio where Patryk Rumiski might have a role or connection. There is a possibility that this name could be a typo or part of a larger phrase, but without more context, it is difficult to provide a precise interpretation.
titleWeb Room Studio - responsive websites, logos, graphics for printing, branding, websites
descriptionCreative agency, website design and creation, visual identification, logos, coding, graphics for printing, business cards, stationery, responsive websites, websites
keywordsroom, studio
upstreams cutt.ly

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