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titleGitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHub
descriptionGitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and features, power your CI/CD and DevOps workflows, and secure code before you commit it.
keywordscode, sponsor, security, sign, enterprise, build, issues, open, developers, search, developer, copilot, pull, requests, read, platform, collaboration
summaryGitHub Issues and GitHub Projects supply project management tools that adapt to your team alongside your code.1 This 7X times factor is based on data from the industrys longest running analysis of fix rates Veracode State of Software Security 2023, which cites the average time to fix 50 of flaws as 198 days vs. GitHubs fix rates of 72 of flaws with in 28 days which is at a minimum of 7X faster when compared.
upstreams nostr.com, resemble.ai, riseup.net, redhat.com, openai.com, owasp.org, thunderbird.net, nodered.org, huggingface.co, tigera.io, rockylinux.org, okx.com, torogoz.dev, courtlistener.com, torproject.org, trychroma.com, trezor.io, mongodb.com, qdrant.tech, iden3.io, tron.network, couchbase.com, amazon.science, impervious.ai, bitbox.swiss, p2v.ventures, upcloud.com, devcon.org, pablodv.com, jetpack.com, paperspace.com, vexl.it, lamassu.is, bitcoinbeach.com, polygon.technology, wasabiwallet.app, pretix.eu, lnbits.com, raspiblitz.org, bitcoin-takeover.com, ethereum.org, bitkit.to, bitonic.nl, bitpolito.it, fireside.fm, foundationdevices.com, seedhammer.com, seedsigner.com, bluewallet.io, breez.technology, galoy.io, getcurrent.io, signal.org, ghost.org, miprimerbitcoin.io, mozilla.design, zaprite.com, bullbitcoin.com, solana.org, graphcore.ai, start9.com, stripe.com, chainduel.net, muun.com, njump.me
downstreams github.blog, electronjs.org, github.careers, facebook.com, linkedin.com, youtube.com, twitch.tv, tiktok.com

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