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summaryNode-RED is an open-source event-driven programming framework that provides tools and libraries for building real-time applications on the Node.js platform. It was created by Microsoft in 2013 and is designed to work with a variety of programming languages, such as JavaScript, Python, Java, and Ruby.

The main features of Node-RED include:

1. Event Handling: It supports various types of events, including file system operations, network connections, timers, and more. These events can be captured and processed in real-time to trigger actions based on specific conditions.

2. Graphical User Interface (GUI): The framework includes a graphical editor called Red Studio that allows users to build event graphs visually, making it easier to understand and manage complex workflows.

3. Real-time Applications: Node-RED can be used to create real-time applications by connecting events to actions or functions in the code. This enables applications to react to changes as they happen, providing a more engaging user experience.

4. Cross-platform Compatibility: Node-RED is designed to work on various platforms and operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, and even IoT devices like Raspberry Pi.

Some popular use cases for Node-RED include:

1. Monitoring Systems: It can be used to create monitoring tools that track system events and automatically take action based on predefined conditions.

2. IoT Applications: With Node-RED's ability to work with different programming languages, it is suitable for building IoT applications that require real-time data processing.

3. Education and Training: The graphical nature of Red Studio makes it an effective tool for teaching complex concepts in software development, AI, or data analysis.

Overall, Node-RED offers a powerful set of tools for building real-time, event-driven applications on Node.js platforms, making it a popular choice among developers and educators alike.
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